Sunday, September 22, 2013

Is blogging a good way of promoting books?

Kindle versions of COMING FLU & MURDER: A NEW WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT are only $2.99 at Amazon until Sept 30.

I know advertisements don’t make good blogs. But lets be honest most (I bet more than fifty percent of bloggers) wouldn’t write blogs if they weren’t trying to promote their books, art, or pet projects.

Publicizing pet projects is a driving force in our economy and political system. If you doubt me, think about what you read, listen to and watch on public media. Talk shows, much of most newscasts, whole sections of newspapers and magazines are just ways to publicize ideas and products. I could say some of the best dramas on TV (notably Law and Order) are attempts to comment on social issues. Some actors and actresses always seem to pick movies espousing causes they believe in.

On one sense, all of education is an attempt to promote a pet project – helping children and adults reach their full potential.

So I feel guilty, but I did it anyway and advertised the SALE on my medical mysteries.

Coming Flu (

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