If you haven't read this medical mystery, try it now. You'll not only enjoy an intriguing mystery with a poison not found in any other novel, but learn a bit about clinical trials (those mysterious tests needed for approval of new drugs and therapies) and to learn about new (but real) research linking obesity and gut bacteria.
Here's a recap of the plot: Dieting is hard. So is fitting into a new job where you aren’t wanted. In Murder. A Way to Lose Weight, Dr. Linda Almquist attempts to do both as she investigates two diet doctors who are endangering the lives of their obese patients. When she finds one diet doctor dead, she and the police suspect the other diet doctor but soon learn the dead diet doctor had annoyed many. While Linda fears for her job, the police fear for her life.

I couldn't reuse the cover of the first edition on the second edition of Murder...A Way to Lose Weight. However, I wanted the cover on the second cover to be reminiscent of the first one. I've included the cover of first copy for comparison. Did I do a good job?